28 November 2006

Kommando zurück

Die Lage im Irak ist verfahren. So verfahren, daß Jonathan Chait in der Los Angeles Times vom 26. November einen Vorschlag unterbreitet, der zumindest als Beleg für den Grad an Ratlosigkeit dienen kann, welcher erreicht ist:
Maybe, just maybe, our best option is to restore Saddam Hussein to power.

Yes, I know. Hussein is a psychotic mass murderer. Under his rule, Iraqis were shot, tortured and lived in constant fear. Bringing the dictator back would sound cruel if it weren't for the fact that all those things are also happening now, probably on a wider scale. [...]

The government is strong enough to terrorize the Sunnis into rebellion but not strong enough to crush this rebellion.

[...] We may be strong enough to stop large-scale warfare or genocide, but we're not strong enough to stop pervasive chaos.

Hussein, however, has a proven record in that department.

[...] I know why restoring a brutal tyrant to power is a bad idea. Somebody explain to me why it's worse than all the others.